Belgian Neurological Society
The Belgian Neurological Society is a scientific organization open to neurologists, neurologists in training and healthcare professionals with an interest in neurology. It aims to improve the care of patients with neurological disorders through continuous education of its members and by encouraging clinical and translational research.
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Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Become a Sponsor !
Stimulate and facilitate our independent efforts to improve the lives of patients with neurological conditions.
Companies interested in sponsoring our Society: Sponsoring is organized through our treasurer. We have four unrestricted sponsorship levels (annual fee): Platinum (10.000 euro), Gold (5.000 euro), Silver (3.500 euro) and Bronze (2.000 euro). The level of sponsorship will be visible on our website. Sponsoring covers a period of 12 months starting from the day the sponsoring is obtained.
Platinum : logo on the BNS website with a connection to the/a company website and a booth at the 2 annual meetings of the BNS. There is also a possibility for an independent satellite meeting, coupled to one of the annual meetings.
Gold : logo on the BNS website and the possibility to have a booth at the 2 annual meetings of the BNS.
Silver : logo on the BNS website and the possibility to have a booth at one of the annual meetings of the BNS.
Bronze : have a booth at one of the annual meetings of the BNS.

Belgian Neurological Society
Society address :
Domeindreef 10
8200 Sint Michiels