I would like to inform you about the upcoming educational webinars organized by the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND) in collaboration with EAN and the European Reference Network for Rare Neuromuscular Diseases (ERN EURONMD). ...
Geachte Collega, Graag nodigen wij u uit voor de komende Lentevergadering van de Vlaamse Vereniging voor Neurologie op 23 april 2022 met als thema “Neurotoxicologie”. U vindt het programma in bijlage of via volgende link:...
Dear Colleagues, Please note that the Neurological Emergencies Virtual Course, will take place between May 19-20, 2022. We are pleased to offer a 10% discount for Belgiam Neurological Society members, and the discount code is BNS22 More info can be found...
SPRING MEETING OF THE BNS 2022 The final program of our next meeting is now available! Click here to discover the program. Registration is now available as well on the main...
Enjoy our free access campaign (14-20 march 2022) ! On the occasion of the Brain Awareness Week we are pleased to grant free access to the following related articles published in Acta Neurologica Belgica. Free access for non-Open Access articles listed below will last...