Neurological Emergencies in Copenhagen! May 3-4, 2024

The Neurological Emergencies CME course is running in May 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark, in collaboration with the Danish Society of Emergency Medicine. This course has run for 13 years in Boston at Harvard Medical School – and is now taking to an international...

BNS – BCNS Symposium

Dear colleagues, The BNS 2024 membership renewals or new-member subscriptions are now available  ! All members are also allowed to register for the BNS and BCNS society joint meeting to be held on March 16th in Brussels and allows registration for the 2 meeting...

DBS Symposium Brugge

Dear Colleagues, The program and regsitration for the DBS Symposium is available here:


Geachte arts,   Graag nodigen we u uit om deel te nemen aan mijn masterproefonderzoek.  We willen inzicht krijgen in de informatienoden en huidige praktijk van artsen in verband met medicatiegebruik door mannen en de mogelijke invloed op hun vruchtbaarheid,...