Spring meeting 2023
What’s new in Neurology
Saturday March 18 – BluePoint Brussels
2nd joint VVN-BNS Meeting
09u: WELCOME: Prof. Dr. Kristl Claeys BNS, Prof Dr. Barbara Willekens VVN
09u15-09u55: Prof. Dr. Johan Kips – Kabinet Minister Frank Vandenbroucke
Prof. dr. Johan Kips studied Pneumology at UGent. Policy advisor at the cabinet of Minister Frank Vandebroucke.
Between 2001-2005 he was advisor for Minister Frank Vandenbroucke and Rudy Demotte. Between 2007-2013 he was
general manager of the UZ Leuven, Medical Director of AZ St Jan Brugge and coordinator of Zorgnet Icuro hospitals. In
2015 he was general manager of the Erasmus Hospitals Brussels.
09u55-10u35: Prof. dr. Catherine Lubetzki – L’hopital Paris
Prof. dr. Catherine Lubetzki is professor of Neurology at Pierre and Marie Curie University and head of the department
of neurological diseases in Salpêtrière Hospital. She coordinates the Salpêtrière Multiple Sclerosis clinical research
center. Her basic research activity is focused on the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in central nervous
system myelination and remyelination, with the perspective to develop strategies aimed at stimulating endogenous
remyelination, hence preventing axonal damage and limiting disability progression in Multiple Sclerosis patients.
10u35-11u15: Dr. Marie Hallin – ULB
Dr. Marie Hallin is medical microbiologist since 2006 and holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the Université Libre
de Bruxelles. Head of the Molecular Microbiology Department of the LHUB-ULB Brussels University Hospitals Network
from 2012 to 2021, she has developed an extensive expertise in molecular microbiology. Her main research interests
focus on epidemiology, molecular characterization and genetic population structure of hospital-acquired multi-drug
resistant bacterial pathogens, evaluation and control of typing systems for surveillance programs, antibiotic
stewardship and containment of antimicrobial resistance in industrialized and developing countries, quality
assessment of in-vitro diagnostic tools and clinical impact of rapid diagnosis methods in microbiology.
11u15: Coffee break
11u45-12u25: Dr. Jelle Demeestere – UZ Leuven
Dr. Jelle Demeestere is a vascular neurologist at the Department of Neurology, Leuven University Hospital, Belgium,
and scientifically active in the field of stroke.
12u25-13u05: Prof. dr. Jonathan Baets – UZA
Prof. dr. Jonathan Baets is a neuromuscular disease specialist with expertise in electrophysiology and muscle-nerve
histopathology. He trained in Antwerp and London Queen Square and obtained a PhD in medical sciences at the
University of Antwerp in 2011. He is the medical director of the Neuromuscular reference Center of the Antwerp
University Hospital. His research focus is on molecular genetic studies of various neuromuscular diseases including
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, hereditary myopathies and spastic ataxias.
13u05: Lunch