Geachte arts, Graag nodigen we u uit om deel te nemen aan mijn masterproefonderzoek. We willen inzicht krijgen in de informatienoden en huidige praktijk van artsen in verband met medicatiegebruik door mannen en de mogelijke invloed op hun vruchtbaarheid,...
UCL (Maisin), Sint-Lambrechts Woluwe B PART I: Parallel sessions* 8h30 – 10h00 *Each session (45 min.) is held twice. Participants can choose 2 subsequent sessions from: • EEG abnormalities in clinical practice – Speaker: S. Ferrao Santos (UCLouvain) –...
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to inform you that the 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology and 19th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neurology (AOCN2024) will be held from May 29 to June 1, 2024 in Tokyo, Japan. Click here for...
DBSSymposiumSavetheDateEnglish Dear colleagues, Please find enclosed the Save the Date for the DBS Symposium on 09/03/2024 in Bruges. We look forward to seeing you there. The official invitation and the registration will follow later. Accreditation Ethics and Economy...
The 17th European Headache Congress (EHC) will be held from 6-9 December 2023 in Barcelona, Spain. With the overarching theme of ‘Headache: Expanding the horizon’, EHC 2023 will focus on the most recent developments in the field of headache research and...
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to announce the date of the Belgian MS Symposium 2023, which will be held on Saturday October 28th 2023 in Dolce La Hulpe Hotel and Congress Center, Brussels, Belgium. This annual meeting is an established...