Dear colleagues, Please note that it is now possible to register for our next Autumn Symposium on neuro-inflammatory diseases. You will find the registration form on the main page of our website. We hope to meet again soon in Leuven...
On behalf of the organisers, we are pleased to announce that the 13th World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation will be held in Canada in 2024! We would be very happy if you could mark your calendars to avoid scheduling conflicts: 13th World Congress for...
Chers Collègues, Confrères, Consoeurs, Les services de Neurologie et de Neuroradiologie interventionnelle ont le plaisir de vous inviter à leur séminaire neuro-vasculaire annuel « Actualités et dilemmes thérapeutiques dans l’AVC aigu » ce 28 septembre 2023 à 18:30....
On behalf of the scientific committee, I would like to invite you and the Belgian Neurological Society (BNS) members to attend the International Neuroscience Conference (NEURO 2023), which will be held on 20-22 October in Tbilisi, Georgia. The conference will be held...
Samedi 16 septembre 2023 – Van Der Valk Congres Hotel Liège En l’honneur du Professeur A. Maertens de Noordhout Click here for more information : Neuro...