The Belgian Cardiological league is contacting us about their Week of the Heart, an annual national campaign for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. This year, they have decided to make this public awareness campaign on the theme of stroke: how to recognize it and how to react in case of suspicion. To do this, they will create a television spot, a poster and an explanatory brochure.
Interested colleagues and members of the Belgian Neurological Society can apply for the material by sending them an email mentioning the number of brochures, posters.
More information:
Belgische Cardiologische Liga
Elyzeese-Veldenstraat 63 | 1050 Brussel
tel.: +32 (0) 2 649 85 37 | fax.: +32 (0) 2 649 28 28
email :

La Ligue Cardiologique Belge joue un rôle majeur dans la prévention et la réduction des maladies cardio-cérébrovasculaires en Belgique par la sensibilisation, l’information et l’éducation.
De Belgische Cardiologische Liga ijvert door bewustmaking, informatie en educatieve initiatieven voor preventie en bestrijding van cardio-cerebrovasculaire aandoeningen in België.