Inspiring people in Neurosciences

Please find attached the Program for  the third  session  of “Inspiring people in Neurosciences” to be held on 10 th April  2021. Please block your dates for upcoming sessions.  In view of AOCN and Easter Weekend, we have rescheduled this session.   ...

Survey on educational needs in Rare Neurological Diseases

The European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND) is about to create an educational programme on rare neurological diseases. In order to map the needs of the clinicians working in this area in Europe, they have created a survey:...

Brain Awareness week

Celebrate Brain Awareness week (15-21 March 2021)! Join the global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science. Enjoy reading highly cited articles published in Acta Neurologica Belgica listed below: Greco, P., Nencini, G., Piva, I. et...

Telemedicine for epilepsy management

The next chapter of the Exploring Connections webinar series awaits you… focusing on telemedicine and epilepsy management, this is a must-attend webinar.   On behalf of a truly global faculty, we would like to provide the members of Belgian Neurological Society (BNS)...